Gameplay Trailer
Please check out the Gameplay Trailer of Orge's Mayhem.
Classic Beat 'Em Up Feel
Pick up the controls and feel the nostalgia flow in as you play through this modern take on a classic game mode. New players, same butt-kicking fun
Unlockable Characters
Play through each set of levels to unlock new characters. As you progress you'll find many new allies maybe even some past foes willing to help put an end to Shrek's terror.
Anime-Inspired Character list
The characters, both friends or foes all come from their own respective anime. All of these special talents will have to duke it out as good and evil clash for control over the castle and swamp.
Remixed Theme Music
Each level has its own Hip-Hop remix to the main theme of the featured character of that level. This will be played for the boss battle of each stage.
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